Product Specification of Magento Responsive pillow & Blanket Printing Theme
Nowadays, our life becomes busier and busier; we always try our best to get what we want quickly. Magento Responsive pillow & Blanket Theme will contribute and make your customers' life easier with many functions inside to get their orders in the best ways.
- You have a Pillow & Blanket printing company and you want your customers choose you not your competitors. Every shop owner has the same thought as you and they do not pass Magento Responsive Pillow & Blanket printing Theme. It will help you close nearly your customers.
- With this product, you not only change your site interface but also manage it easily. We integrated more than 20 extensions as One Page Checkout, Price Matrix, Order Upload, Revolution Slider, Mega Menu, Ajax cart, Ajax Search. All that plugins will make your site friendlier.
- For you, you can change all the attribute of your site in admin with 3 Home page layout, 2 product detail pages, 5 headers and 3 footers. That is amazing, right?
- With many benefits above, it’s a pity that you miss it.
- Do you want to bring sweet dreams for your best friends and your family with printing pillows and blankets? But you have a small problem when make a gift through website, pillow and blanket printing theme will help you.
- This theme will help you to find product quickly through Mega Menu or you can see other pages with various product. Take 3 steps to complete your order, first you choose item and upload direct your design, checkout and finish your order. Just take 2 minutes to complete a process.
After buying Magento Responsive Pillow and Blanket Printing Theme, just follow 2 options below to install it quickly:
- Option 1: Install Quick Start Packages via FTP with the file named: “tpl_nb_printing_package_v1.0.tgz"
Go to Magento Admin Panel -> System -> Magento Connect -> Magento connect Manager.
- Option 2: Upload Magento Theme directly on browser or upload file through FTP with easy few steps.
Furthermore, you can contact with our professional team to resolve your problems.
Below is full detail Features of Magento Responsive Pillow & Blanket Printing Website Theme
- Customizable design - You can change the visual appearance as you wish in back -end
- Unlimited colors - amazing printing theme with many styles of color
- This is the number one printing theme on print industry
- An eye -catching template will retain your customers stay at your site longer and create more benefit.
- Reducing time in the checkout process for customer, no wait in a long time to loading page, 1 page to finish quickly.
- New Account’s Creation - Guests can create their account and save their data during the process of placing the order. However, they have the easiness of buying without registering with the site.
- Saving of Address - Once client has initially submitted the address they have the option of saving it for the latter use. Saved address can be retrieved from the dropdown list for the use of shipping and billing and the customer does not have to fill the information multiple times.
- Send to different shipping addresses - Delivery can be made to different address from billing or customers can choose shipping address the same as billing.
- Automatic Updates
- Support many popular payment methods
- Delivery Time - Customers can easily select delivery date and time to receive goods
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- Showing a wide range of product’s attributes at different prices, saving user’s choices with orders. It is really helpful on printing industry with complicated materials and designs.
- Shopping Cart - After choosing suitable price of product, customer will add to cart , then product will go to shopping cart with exact detail information, then press Proceed to Checkout to finish
- Cross -Browser Support - This extension themes work great with all modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9+
- Show Price matrix in product detail - After user are satisfied with price matrix table in preview matrix, user will show it in product detail on frontend. It is easy for buyer to view and choose price of each product in price matrix table.
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- Menu can arrange in a scientific way, it helps admin manage, install and customize easier.
- Flexible Menu Layouts - With new version of Mega Menu, you can view your menu with 3 options - Horizontal, Vertical or Both of them. That is an amazing function.
- Horizontal Magento navigation menu - Mega Menu Magento extension has an attractive horizontal menu to organize your categories, sub -categories and products easily. It shows all categories and you can choose any category you like.
- Vertical Magento navigation menu - This is a new function on this product, all name categories are hided in main Menu that make your site neat and clean.
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- Present images and pictures with different effects to attach customers on the top of the site.
- Improved Light weight Ken Burns Effects (easier & faster)
- Word Premiere for Advanced Action Building
- Build your Social Stream supported Bulk Slider
- Easy and quick building based on Slider, Slide and Layer Templates
- Performance Monitor and better Performance Suggestions
- Viewport based Slide Loading and Progress
- Create Slider Defaults, Reset, overwrite single Settings due all slides
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- Save your time when uploading files in the same time without loading page.
- Upload multiple files at the same time - Upload multiple files at the same time using Ajax, do not need to refresh the pages
- Delete/cancel files during upload process - Through upload process shoppers can DELETE any files uploaded with just one click. They can add comments into the standard Magento order comment. After upload complete images files will be automatically thumbnails created. Besides, shoppers do not have to login to upload files
- Display uploaded files on the checkout page - After uploading files/ images, shoppers can add this product into their cart. So a shopper can upload different files/ images into different products and add all into cart and check out the same times. Uploaded file will display on the shopping cart page, into the Magento order of client account.
- Different with other theme, you can delete or cancel files easily even you are uploading files.
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- Easy to find name, attribute or any information of product through this extension. The results will display immediately.
- Instantly look for results - Magento Ajax Search uses Ajax technology to simplify the loading process and give customers instant search results. Show other search results in product’s thumbnail images in a pop -up.
- Search by category - Filter based on Magento category which is a drop down list. Your customers can filter products with one, two or many categories at the same time.
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- Adding product to cart make many customer angry, the process always have problems about information of product. Now, your customers feel happy to deal with all the trouble before.
- Easily customize theme colors - Easily customize dropdown cart width, borders colors, images thumbnails width and height
- Display empty/update/checkout buttons on mini cart - Just choose to enable/disable/update/checkout button on the mini cart from admin panel.
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- Amazing theme: Impress customers at the first time they come to website with beautiful interface.
- Ultimate responsive: Our teams make the best convenience for customers via many devices from a big computer to a small smart phone.
- Multi layouts and pages: With 3 home page layouts and 2 product pages, you will change in admin panel to make your site refresh every time.
- Installation data easily: We provide a professional data installation service with high quality, fast, reliable and punctual.
- Powerful 5 headers and 3 footers: The various of header and footer make your site different in any occasions
- Product label extension: Creating promotion campaign for each kind of products
- Add to compare: With this extension you can compare with any product that giving you the final decision quickly.
- Quick view faster: Seeing price and information of product before purchasing that save you a lot of time.
- Add to wish list: Customer can save their favorite product on their list faster via wish list symbol that stand beside compare symbol.
- Multi language and currency: Easy change language and currency to fit with a country you live.