Recognizing the need to differentiate itself in a competitive market, Thirds Design forged a visionary collaboration with Printcart to reshape the online design landscape and elevate user experiences. With a commitment to empowering users with cutting-edge design solutions, Thirds Design embarked on a journey to offer comprehensive online design services that cater to various needs, from art products printed on diverse materials to eye-catching designs for social media and e-commerce platforms.

To stand out from the competition, Thirds Design aimed to become more than just a design tool provider. Their goal was to be a platform that ignited creativity and inspiration. However, they faced the challenge of offering a unique value proposition that would captivate users and set them apart from the crowd.

The Design Preview Bar of Printcart is a game-changing feature that revolutionizes the design process. Positioned strategically on the interface, it offers real-time previews and allows users to effortlessly create and compare multiple designs. With improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and enhanced user experience, the Design Preview Bar empowers users to unleash their creativity and achieve visually stunning results.


Client Profile - Thirds Design 


Third Design is a valued client of ours, and we are proud to work with such a talented and creative team. As a leading creative agency, Third Design has established a strong reputation for delivering exceptional graphic design, branding, and digital marketing solutions. Their portfolio showcases a diverse range of successful projects, highlighting their ability to create visually stunning and impactful designs that resonate with their clients' target audiences.


With their expertise and dedication to excellence, Third Design consistently exceeds expectations and sets new standards in the industry. We are honored to collaborate with Third Design and support their continued success in delivering outstanding design services to their clients.

One key pain point identified by Thirds Design was the need for users to create and compare multiple designs within the same project. The existing design process required users to navigate back and forth between different pages, resulting in a cumbersome and time-consuming experience. To address this challenge, Thirds Design sought to create a feature that would streamline the design process, provide real-time previews, and enhance the overall user experience.

Challenges of Third Design: How To Be Navigated Among Famous Competitors?

Thirds Design faced several challenges in the design industry. Firstly, they operated in a highly competitive market, with established players like Canva, Snappa, and Crello dominating the industry. To stand out, Thirds Design needed to differentiate itself and offer a unique value proposition to attract users.

Another challenge was addressing the pain points of their users. They recognized the need for users to create and compare multiple designs within the same project, but the existing design process was cumbersome and time-consuming. Thirds Design needed to find a solution that would streamline the design process, provide real-time previews, and enhance the overall user experience.

Additionally, as a relatively new player in the industry, Thirds Design had to build brand credibility and establish themselves as a trusted and reliable partner for design solutions. They needed to gain recognition for their innovation and forward-thinking approach to stand out from the competition and attract a loyal customer base.

Solution by Printcart - Innovative Feature for Online Design Tool

Printcart offers a comprehensive solution to overcome the challenges faced by Thirds Design. With their innovative Design Preview Bar feature, Printcart revolutionizes the design process and sets new standards for user experience. The Design Preview Bar allows users to seamlessly create and compare multiple designs in real-time, eliminating the need for cumbersome navigation between different pages. This streamlines the design process, enhances efficiency, and saves valuable time for users.

By partnering with Printcart, Thirds Design gains access to a powerful tool that empowers users to unleash their creativity and achieve visually stunning results. The Design Preview Bar offers real-time updates, improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and an enhanced user experience. It sparks a new wave of creativity among designers, enabling them to experiment freely with various design options and layouts.

Printcart's solution not only addresses the challenges faced by Thirds Design but also positions them as a visionary in the industry. With Printcart's innovative features, Thirds Design can differentiate themselves from the competition, attract a loyal customer base, and build brand credibility as a trusted provider of top-quality design solutions.

How To Implement Printcart With Client's Website 


Thirds Design needs to integrate the Design Preview Bar feature into their existing platform or design tool. This can be done by collaborating with the development team at Printcart to understand the technical requirements and ensure a seamless integration process.

User Interface

Thirds Design should work closely with the design team at Printcart to customize the user interface of the Design Preview Bar to align with their brand identity. This includes selecting color schemes, fonts, and layout options that resonate with Thirds Design's target audience.


Before launching the Design Preview Bar feature to users, Thirds Design should conduct thorough testing to ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility with different devices and browsers. This will help identify and resolve any potential issues or bugs.

User Training

Thirds Design should provide comprehensive training materials, tutorials, and support to their users to familiarize them with the Design Preview Bar feature. This can include video tutorials, step-by-step guides, and a dedicated support team to address any queries or difficulties users may encounter.

Feedback and Iteration

Thirds Design should actively seek feedback from their users on the Design Preview Bar feature and use that feedback to make necessary improvements and enhancements. This iterative process ensures that the Design Preview Bar continually evolves to meet the needs and expectations of Thirds Design's users.

Results - Tangible Benefits for Third Designs

Improved User Experience

The Design Preview Bar streamlines the design process, allowing users to create and compare multiple designs in real-time. This saves time and enhances efficiency, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable user experience.

Increased Efficiency

With the ability to preview and compare designs in real-time, users can make quicker decisions and iterate on their designs more efficiently. This leads to increased productivity and faster turnaround times for design projects.

Enhanced Creativity

The Design Preview Bar sparks creativity among users by enabling them to experiment freely with different design options and layouts. This encourages innovative thinking and allows users to push the boundaries of their creativity, resulting in visually stunning and unique designs.

Differentiation from Competitors

By offering the Design Preview Bar, Thirds Design sets themselves apart from their competitors. This innovative feature demonstrates their commitment to providing cutting-edge design solutions and positions them as a forward-thinking and customer-centric design tool provider.

Increased Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

The improved user experience, efficiency, and creativity offered by the Design Preview Bar contribute to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat users and brand advocates, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Overall, the implementation of Printcart's Design Preview Bar brings tangible benefits to Thirds Design, including improved user experience, increased efficiency, enhanced creativity, differentiation from competitors, and increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. These results contribute to the growth and success of Thirds Design in the design industry.

Benefits for Third Design

Competitive Advantage

By integrating Printcart's innovative feature, Thirds Design gains a competitive edge in the design industry. The Design Preview Bar sets them apart from other design tools and positions them as a forward-thinking and customer-centric solution provider. This differentiation can attract new clients and help retain existing ones.

Enhanced User Experience

The Design Preview Bar improves the overall user experience by streamlining the design process and enabling real-time design previews. This makes it easier and more efficient for clients to create and compare multiple designs, resulting in greater client satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

The Design Preview Bar saves clients valuable time by eliminating the need to navigate between different pages or tools to compare designs. This streamlined process allows clients to make quicker decisions, iterate on designs faster, and ultimately complete projects more efficiently.

Enhanced Creativity and Design Flexibility

With the Design Preview Bar, clients have the freedom to experiment with different design options and layouts in real-time. This sparks creativity and empowers clients to explore new ideas, resulting in more visually stunning and unique designs.

Stronger Brand Credibility

By offering Printcart's innovative solution, Thirds Design strengthens its brand credibility and reputation as a trusted provider of top-quality design solutions. Clients will recognize Thirds Design as a company that embraces innovation and invests in tools that enhance their design experience.

Increased Customer Satisfaction and Retention

The improved user experience, efficiency, and creativity facilitated by the Design Preview Bar contribute to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied clients are more likely to continue using Thirds Design's services and recommend them to others, leading to increased customer retention and growth.

Experience From This Case Study 

Embrace Innovation

Incorporating innovative features and technologies can differentiate a business from competitors and position it as a leader in the industry. Thirds Design learned the importance of embracing innovation to stay ahead in the design market.

Prioritize User Experience

The Design Preview Bar significantly improved the user experience for Thirds Design's clients. This lesson highlights the importance of prioritizing user experience in design solutions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Streamline Processes

The Design Preview Bar streamlined the design process for Thirds Design's clients, saving them time and increasing efficiency. Thirds Design learned the value of streamlining processes to improve productivity and deliver projects faster.

Foster Creativity

The Design Preview Bar sparked creativity among clients by allowing them to experiment with different design options. This lesson emphasizes the importance of providing tools and features that encourage creativity and empower clients to explore new ideas.

Enhance Brand Credibility

By offering innovative solutions like the Design Preview Bar, Thirds Design strengthened its brand credibility and reputation as a trusted design tool provider. This lesson highlights the impact of investing in cutting-edge technologies to enhance brand credibility.

Continual Improvement

Thirds Design learned the importance of seeking client feedback and iteratively improving the Design Preview Bar. This lesson emphasizes the value of continuously improving and evolving solutions to meet the changing needs and expectations of clients.


In conclusion, the implementation of Printcart's Design Preview Bar offers numerous benefits to Thirds Design as the client. By embracing innovation, prioritizing user experience, streamlining processes, fostering creativity, enhancing brand credibility, and continually improving their solutions, Thirds Design can differentiate themselves in the design industry and achieve growth and success.

The Design Preview Bar enhances the user experience, increases efficiency and productivity, sparks creativity, and strengthens Thirds Design's brand credibility. These benefits lead to greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and a competitive advantage in the market.

Through this implementation, Thirds Design gains valuable lessons in embracing innovation, prioritizing user experience, streamlining processes, fostering creativity, enhancing brand credibility, and continually improving their solutions. These lessons will guide them in future endeavors and help them stay at the forefront of the design industry.

Overall, the implementation of Printcart's Design Preview Bar brings significant advantages and lessons learned for Thirds Design, positioning them as a leading design tool provider and driving their growth and success in the industry

Lynn Jones

Shop Owner
Lynn Jone, Digital Marketer, copywriter, and avid fan of Technology!

One of my favorite quotes is: "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" - Albert Einstein.

I graduated from foreign trade university majoring in Economics. However, it took me 5 years to find my passion for Digital Marketing. With over 5-years research and over 3-years practical work experience, I am confident that I can easily what problems your website is facing and suggest the best solution for your business.

I used to be an accountant, a salesperson, a banker even a receptionist. However, I just feel to be myself when I choose to be a Marketer, especially an SEOer. I have spent a lot of time studying and learning about marketing tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahref, Alexa, Similar Web, ... In order to understand customer behavior as well as to make a website to be on the top rank on the search tool.

"Content is king". Where advertising is about the sale, content marketing is about establishing a connection. The best content marketing will lure people to your brand and keep them coming back for more.

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