unique video compilations

created by , a member of Netbasejsc

About This Service

Offering unique and harmonious video compositions created from premium resources. Each compilation is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, transforming carefully selected clips into visually stunning and emotionally captivating experiences. Perfect for presentations, events, or any project where visual impact is essential. With a commitment to quality, each video is designed to resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Cmsmart Support

  • Service Added

    Sep 08, 2024

  • Number Of Team

    98 Team Member

  • Processed Tasks

    30316 Tasks

  • Processing Tasks

    516 Task


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Our Ecommerce Service is for all ecommerce partners that wants to


Outsource your Ecommerce Business with a Know-How Tech Team Supported by a Smart Management Tool


Manage your Store Development project from small front-end tasks to full project development in Agile Approach


Develop and deploy any Complex eCommerce Marketplace or integrate CRM, ERP system to your platform business

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unique video compilations

Offering unique and harmonious video compositions created from premium resources. Each compilation is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, transforming carefully selected clips into visually stunning and emotionally captivating experiences. Perfect for presentations, events, or any project where visual impact is essential. With a commitment to quality, each video is designed to resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.


About Project Assistant

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<table className='d-flex justify-content-center w-100'>

       <LoadingRow />


import { useErrorHandler, useSuccessHandler } from "../../hooks/useApiHandlers"

import { toast } from "react-toastify"

export const submitForm = (data, parentCallback, queryClient, postBenefit, editProject, history, featureResponse) => {

 const idBenefits = data?.project?.attributes?.benefits?.data.map((value) => value?.id)

 const db_submit = {

  benefits: idBenefits || []


 const db_submitBenefit = {

  text: data?.text,

  title: data?.title,

  image: featureResponse?.[0]?.id || item?.attributes?.image?.data?.id


 postBenefit(db_submitBenefit, {

  onSuccess: (response) => {

   db_submit.benefits = [...db_submit.benefits, response.data.id];

   editProject(db_submit, {

    onSuccess: () => {

     toast.success('Add Benefit Project Successfully!')

     setTimeout(() => {


     }, 2500);


    onError: () => toast.error('Add Benefit Project false!'),



  onError: () => toast.error('Create Benefit false!'),


import { useErrorHandler, useSuccessHandler } from "../../hooks/useApiHandlers"

import { toast } from "react-toastify"

export const submitForm = (data, parentCallback, queryClient, postBenefit, editProject, history, featureResponse) => {

 const idBenefits = data?.project?.attributes?.benefits?.data.map((value) => value?.id)

 const db_submit = {

  benefits: idBenefits || []


 const db_submitBenefit = {

  text: data?.text,

  title: data?.title,

  image: featureResponse?.[0]?.id || item?.attributes?.image?.data?.id


 postBenefit(db_submitBenefit, {

  onSuccess: (response) => {

   db_submit.benefits = [...db_submit.benefits, response.data.id];

   editProject(db_submit, {

    onSuccess: () => {

     toast.success('Add Benefit Project Successfully!')

     setTimeout(() => {


     }, 2500);


    onError: () => toast.error('Add Benefit Project false!'),



  onError: () => toast.error('Create Benefit false!'),



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good branch

Welcome to VN'Food, where the vibrant flavors of Vietnam come alive on your plate. Our mission is to bring an authentic Vietnamese dining experience to food lovers everywhere. From bustling city streets to serene countryside, we've captured the essence of Vietnam's rich culinary traditions and present them in every dish we serve.Welcome to VN'Food, where the vibrant flavors of Vietnam come alive on your plate. Our mission is to bring an authentic Vietnamese dining experience to food lovers everywhere. From bustling city streets to serene countryside, we've captured the essence of Vietnam's rich culinary traditions and present them in every dish we serve.Welcome to VN'Food, where the vibrant flavors of Vietnam come alive on your plate. Our mission is to bring an authentic Vietnamese dining experience to food lovers everywhere. From bustling city streets to serene countryside, we've captured the essence of Vietnam's rich culinary traditions and present them in every dish we serve.


About Project Assistant

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top digital marketing agencydigital

SEO Business Company, established by Elysium Groups in 2011 and located in Madurai, specializes in enhancing search engine rankings for clients. We offer comprehensive SEO services, including Enterprise SEO, Local SEO, e-Commerce SEO, and Web Analytics, along with social media marketing to boost your business’s presence online.

Launched by Elysium Groups in 2011, SEO Business Company is a premier provider of superior Search Engine Optimization services, based in Madurai. As a leading SEO firm, we excel in elevating our clients' search rankings on Google, driving significant traffic to their websites through improved keyword rankings and proven strategies. Our expertise spans Enterprise SEO, Local SEO, e-Commerce SEO, and Web Analytics.We begin with a thorough initial audit, including a competitive review and keyword search, allowing us to develop a cohesive project plan with clear implementation steps, ensuring effectiveness and success. Additionally, our social media marketing services help businesses achieve top visibility across social media channels.


About Project Assistant

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