Maybe anybody outthere knows how this works? I have been writing now several mails, opened tickets - nothing happens. But maybe some kind person out here can help me with the following questions:

- on the product designer you find the tab: Text >> how can I add my own prebuild text elements and stop showing the predesigned ones. Sorted in categories so that per product only certain appear

> same for cliparts

- after having received an order. When downloading the final pdf the "Marks for cutting" the product don't show on top but on the lowest layer.. what do I do wrong?

- image upload: is there a way to add a gallery of my own?

- how can I restrict Text to a certain area > a very basic option on other product builders

- In order to create templates I need all tabs in the backend but is there a way that within the clients product builder the tabs > templates, > image and >more do show only in certain products but not in all. Meaning I want to choose per product what tab shows. So if only text can be changed there is no need to show the image upload tab etc.

- I there anyway to set up templates in indesign, export them to .json and import them.

- and last for the moment: They advert that you can crop images with shapes - this option is nowhere to be found... What I would need is to predefine certain areas where the client simply exchanges the placeholder with his foto.

- and I take it that there is no way to add pattern repeats, right?


I am very thankful to any help solving my different questions.