
I'm having an issue with rounding of prices on certain items that receive a quantity discount.




- Product Price for the minimum QTY of 15 = $0.80 per item = $12.

- When QTY is 480 I apply discount of $0.57083 per item so then it is $0.22917 per item.  Total price for 480 should be $110.0016 ($110). NB Designer shows correct price here (https://prntscr.com/ndwoor)

- Once 480 is added to the cart however, the price per item is rounded up to $0.23 which results in a total for this line item $110.40 which is incorrect (https://prntscr.com/ndwpdl)


Does anyone know how to overcome this rounding issue?


Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is affecting about 50% of our products.


