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Magento and WooCommerce: which one is suit for you?
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Google’s Mobilegeddon Aftermath Eight Months
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Search For Ecommerce Website: What We Need?
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The Color Mistakes That You Should Avoid When Designing Website
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6 Ways You Can Do for Better Ecommerce User Experience
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What you need to know about SEO into 2016
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Make a breakthrough with Personalized Products
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Why Your Conversions is Limited?
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Since 2012, Printcart has been committed to becoming a leader in providing complete eCommerce solutions for SMBs worldwide. Today, we support 50,000+ clients and have successfully delivered 2,300+ projects across various eCommerce development services. Our priority is to be a trusted partner that helps businesses grow, scale, and succeed in the digital print industry.
Netbase Company (JSC). Copyright © 2012-2025 All Rights Reserved.

1. Creating a Distinct First Screen
One way to make you become prominent between crowded is being distinctive. Let’s come impressive with a visual such as photo, video or illustration and make sure that visitors cannot take their eyes out of them. Put a few key words into the visual to tell users why they are there and what your site has to offer. Therefore, your first screen should fit precisely and be responsively scaled to the device.
2. Navigation Should be Intuitive
Let’s throw the traditional navigation methods away, web designers now appreciate hidden and pop-out navigation styles. You should put your stacked icon in an easy-to-see place or even make it bigger than normal icons. The navigation should be fully functional with that click.
3. Creating One Focal Point
It is necessary to create a single focus or message; it will be the place users can find some information to know about you. This task can be finished with images or text displayed in different ways; it is totally up to you! You can start with a simple one but do not forget keep them trendy.
4. Writing Copy with Purpose
To help customers engage, your first screen should include simple headline and small copy block, that’s quite enough! Despite of a few words, it is still not an easy task. Offering concise, clear copy is a challenge. If you can answer these questions, your task is done, they are why users are here and what you want them to do.
5. Giving Users Something To Do
Besides distinct visual experiences, websites should add some more reason for users to stick around or in detail, it is to provide them something to do. For example:
Filling out a form
An interesting game
Browsing through items for sale
Commenting or engaging with the content
Watching a movie or slideshow
Let’s make the users not only be enticed but also feel compelled to do it.
6. Making Room for Branding
In this screen, you should make sure that there will be a logo or connection to the brand behind the site; they seem to be the statement proving that your website is legitimacy and credibility, especially when customers are entering the financial or personal transactions. Bigger brands can totally get away with smaller branding on their first screens and smaller brands can show a logo and style to create an identity.
7. Minimizing Distractions
Visitors may feel annoyed about miscellaneous items in the first screen. It is important to be simple, streamlined and focused. In case you want to add a lot of content, let’s space it out across several screens.