I am using this extension for our Magento project.
My problem is. we have 12 websites (same domain, store code added to url).
From backend, we see the same metadata url being used for 12 websites (without store code)
And now, we can implement only 1 website (default website). When we try to add another website to ADFS
It show me the error:
An error occurred during an attempt to access the AD FS configuration database: Error message MSIS7612: Each identifier for a relying party trust must be unique across all relying party trusts in AD FS 2.0
Any Idea ?
In the backend, you are able to link SAML settings to a specific shop. At the advanced section be sure you are adding a different SP EntityId for each shop. The SP metadata generated should have a different EntityId then so when you store it in ADFS you dont experience the previous error.
If the metadata generated keep being the same contact me and we can schedule a meeting to fix the issue (with no extra cost).
Hi Martin,
Thank a lot. It works :)
Great, let me know if you experience any other issue.
And please if you have some spare minutes, provide feedback at the magento marketplace / cmsmart. Is so important in order to let know the future customers the right extension to be bought.