I'm thinking about purchasing this product. Do we have to pay to purchase each update? What is the difference between the Auto Renew and the Regular purchase?
Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation
Hi Matt,
Thanks for interested in our product.
I'm Vincent - Customer Service Manager. Thank you so much for interested in our product.
With Auto-renewal: You will have the product with 3 months free support service. After that, you just need to pay 24.69$ for each 3 months to get many benefits below:
- Support domain license
- Unlimited tickets support
- Download & upgrade new version
With Standard payment: You will have the products with our support service for only 3 months, after that it will be LITE version that you can use for only 5 products
In my opinion, Auto-renewal is the best choice for your website. It's cheaper and better for you and for anyone, in case you don't want to use you can cancel it anytime, so you don't have to pay any more
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me via Skype for fast reply: live:vincent_4281