In several previous articles, we have introduced a lot about the outstanding features of WordPress Printshop theme with online design, so in this post, we want to clarify more the reason why it is the perfect web to print solution for any printing Enterprise

What is the web to print solution?

It is the solution that allows you to store a catalog of printed marketing materials as well as collateral online so that the partners as employees, agents, distributors or franchisees can easily choose, customize and order from the convenience of an online corporate printing store or private printshop.

Who uses the web to print solution?

An ideal web to the print solution will be the destination for a wide range of organizations desiring brand control and quality consistency while their customers are still able to access easily to their business' marketing collateral. User objects will be:

  • Marketing departments
  • Direct selling organizations
  • Sales representatives
  • Real estate agents
  • Office managers
  • Franchisees
  • Human resources
  • Distributors

Dynamic benefits of applying the web to print solution

  • Protecting brand logos, trademarks, and messaging
  • It is so easy and simple to customize predesigned, corporate-approved print templates.
  • Promoting consistent quality of printing by working smoothly with one corporate-approved printer with the same printing specs (size, paper, ink, coating, etc.)
  • Saving tons of time thanks to easy online proofing and ordering.
  • Eliminating the hassle of satellite offices, stores, or the case franchisees have to find a local printer.
  • Keeping digital assets up-to-date and no more old logos in circulation.
  • Saving money because waste and inventory costs will be reduced significantly.

What can you be benefited with the web to print solution called WordPress Printshop online design package?

  • Cost. The Web to print solutions can range from expensive software packages and services to hosted services. If you are small and medium printing business, I mean the capital budget is not much, hosted services, where you pay only for printing or a small service fee per transaction, will be usually the most cost-effective choice.
  • Easy to use: We had done several surveys among business owners and their customers, it can be summarized that they prefer WordPress Printshop online design package because it is easy and convenient to use as well as requires little to no training on the part of the users.
  • Features and Services: what need to build a perfect printing website are all included in WordPress Printshop online design such as instant pricing, credit card purchasing, head office billing, direct mail and fast turnaround and finally, fulfillment services make print procurement painless.
  • Quick Setup: Netbase team created the customizable theme with all needed plugins, you just need a short time to set up and if you still find it difficult and complicated, and our support team is always ready to help you.
  • Choice of Payment: There are several flexible payment options available including corporate or individual, check, credit card, or purchase order.
  • Free Technical and Customer Support: With WordPress Printshop online design, we always have so professional support team to help you handle all issues occur when using, from simple one like pre-press, quality control, order processing to more complex one like creating or expanding your print marketing portfolio, template development


I’m Maris – Tester at NetBaseJSC

I’m not a technical person. Well, I studied software engineering, I can write code but I'm not an expert and to be honest, I haven't touched any lines of code in 2 or 3 years. However, knowing how to program can help me understand how the software is built, operated, and more accessible to the software.

At work, I constantly ask the right questions to expose the problem of the system being tested. This is especially true when I test and explore the software as an end-user or in the case when I have no documentation about the system.

What I would do is use the product and then ask: what if I click this button? What happens if I edit the information and then I close the application without saving data? What will happen if I do this and then do it? What is this feature used for? Why do we need it? And so on. And I understand that our customers have the same questions. Therefore, I always try to put my knowledge of the product into articles to help customers get the most overview of the product.

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