Peter Drucker, a popular Management Consultant and author said: “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”. 

The way we produce a designing product has been more advanced thanks to the constant technological innovations that strongly encourage our creativity. Moreover, our printing industry has moved to digital techniques from offset printing solutions, I don’t mean that offset printing died but it has been taken market share by digital one. Printing businesses have expected and required to get optimal outcomes that have to boost their sale revenue as well as improve their trustworthy and brand identity. Here, that’s when Woocommerce product designer plugin newest version (2.3.0) by Cmsmart comes into scene. This is a higher updated version that is supposed grab the attention of a huge customer segmentation by awesome features. What I mean here is this WordPress plugin is one of a kind personalized item. If you intend or are operating a digital printing business and you are looking for a complete online product design software allowing customers to get complete freedom to design their desired products, this is the first choice for you. So, let spend some time to check what’s new in Woocommerce product designer plugin version 2.3.0:


1. Product builder feature:

This is feature set a new cornerstone for Woocommerce product designer plugin. It includes:

  • Providing visualization attributes selection features, images will be changed accordingly 

·         Create components, text, image

·         Create a lot of sub-attributes for each attribute

·         Create pre builder as requirements.

2. Show product dimension Options

When you turn on this feature in the back-end, you can see the exact size of the product, no time is wasted for measuring anymore.

3. Show print option in sidebar tab Options

We also provide a print option sidebar so you can easily change the option right away

4. Allow the customer download design in editor (modern layout) Options


This feature helps customers download their designs in file formats such as PNG, CMYK JPG, SVG, PDF


  • Tweak - Interpretation bleed popup
  • Tweak - Imporove output file quantity
  • Fix - Zero quantity for bulk variations
  • Fix - Select default quantity breaks
  • Fix - Import/export design/options
  • Fix - Add to cart after saving the design in the product detail
  • Fix - Transform object with large size product
  • Fix - Active sidebar tab
  • Compatibility - Wordpress 5.1.1



I’m Maris – Tester at NetBaseJSC

I’m not a technical person. Well, I studied software engineering, I can write code but I'm not an expert and to be honest, I haven't touched any lines of code in 2 or 3 years. However, knowing how to program can help me understand how the software is built, operated, and more accessible to the software.

At work, I constantly ask the right questions to expose the problem of the system being tested. This is especially true when I test and explore the software as an end-user or in the case when I have no documentation about the system.

What I would do is use the product and then ask: what if I click this button? What happens if I edit the information and then I close the application without saving data? What will happen if I do this and then do it? What is this feature used for? Why do we need it? And so on. And I understand that our customers have the same questions. Therefore, I always try to put my knowledge of the product into articles to help customers get the most overview of the product.

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